Allergy can also be said to be a damaging immune response two substances by the body to which it has become hypersensitive.
Allergies are of different kinds and can affect different people differently. Some of these substances that lead to allergy in a person could include a specific kind of foods pollen fur or dust. Being allergic to an individual means that a person reacts to substances in an environment that are harmless to most people. These are substances are called allergens. Allergens can also be found in ticks insects and some medication. understand more about these allergens in this article.
Discussed in this article are types of allergy tests that one can take. It is not necessary that you experience an allergy so that you can have a test.
One of the allergy type that is available in the allergy skin test. This kind of test checks for immediate allergic reactions to as many different substances as possible at one time. when you get the skin tests you can either get a positive or a negative result. The negative result shows that you are not allergic to any kind of food while their positive result shows that you may be experiencing some allergic things to food. The two different kinds of skin testing that are available are prick skin testing and intradermal skin testing.
Another type of allergy test is the blood test. The blood tests to detect any allergens in your blood. A blood test can be appropriate an individual has issues with her skin like skin rashes and using skin tests may bring inaccurate results. Apart from checking the allergens blood test can also be used to test other disorders in your immune system which may include chronic urticaria.
Spirometry is also another kind of allergy test. This kind of test is also known as a lung function test. Asthma is the only allergen that is diagnosed by this kind of test. Asthma is a condition in which a person air ducts decreases or Narrows and swells and produces extra mucus . There are different kinds of asthma which include non-allergic asthma and allergic asthma adult-onset asthma and occupational asthma.
On most occasions, you will find that individuals who are allergic to the ones who get asthma. Spirometry is where an individual uses a device to inhale and exhale to measure his or her lung function. This exercise is repeated at least three times so that results can be certain and accurate.